[LiSA-Devel] how i can get LiSA project source code through git?

Radu Rendec radu.rendec at mindbit.ro
Mon Oct 8 18:00:28 EEST 2012

On Sun, 2012-10-07 at 20:42 +0800, nskeeper wrote:
> i wanted to get LiSA by git, but the shell displayed the information below:
> [root at localhost opensource]# git clone git://ixlabs.cs.pub.ro/lisa.git
> Initialized empty Git repository in /home/nskeeper/code/opensource/lisa/.git/
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> how can i get LiSA?


Please clone the official LiSA tree, which can be found here:

I have made a recent change to this tree and the linux kernel tree is no
longer a submodule. Therefore, you need to clone the linux kernel tree
separately as a subdirectory called linux-2.6, under the LiSA tree. Our
kernel tree can be found here:

If you just want to test LiSA (rather than hacking the code) you may
find it easier to download pre-compiled packages for Centos 5, or use a
Centos 5 based live cd.

The pre-compiled packages can be found here:

The live cd can be found here:

I'm currently working on Centos 6 packages, but they are not tested yet.
If you are interested, please let me know and I will try to speed things
up and make them available for the public.

Last but not least, I know you posted (almost) the same message back in
June on the devel list. I'm really sorry your original message was left
out with no reply for such a long time.

Best regards,

Radu Rendec

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