[LiSA-Devel] [GitHub] Install and run LISA using kernel rpm packages

Radu Rendec radu.rendec at mindbit.ro
Thu Feb 21 10:54:43 EET 2013

On Thu, 2013-02-21 at 10:18 +0200, Andreea-Cristina Hodea wrote:
> Here it is the wiki:
> https://github.com/lisa-project/lisa-user/wiki/Setup-example-for-testing-LiSA
> as I promised. Hope it's ok.

Thanks for the wiki page, Andreea! I've read it and it looks fine to me.
I hope we'll get some feedback from the other team members when they
make their own setup.

I have one comment, though: The phrase "The last setting lets all the
packages to pass; otherwise, VirtualBox would filter the packages"
should use "packets" instead of "packages". It's just because packages
means "software packages" (such as .rpm or .deb) and "packets" means the
data units that are sent over a network.


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